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June 02, 2007



Wow, I am very impressed. You couldn't get me to try surfing for any amount of money. I have done a little river rafting in my younger days and experienced something that must be kind of similar to pearling, when the raft goes nose first into a hole. Very scary!


Kalyn, It's not for everybody.
If you want some great visual surfing entertainment, rent the movie "Riding Giants". It's great fun to watch from the safety of your living room:)

amy Bonetti

OK, you guys look hot. Surfing! --I want to go! Have not surfed since my 20's!

Chig--read through your whole blog over a double espresso...loved the piece about your mom with all the photos. Made me cry (and I needed a good cry).

Love you.


Hubby and I enjoyed your "blog entry" (Shah just told me it wasn't an article. Are the flip flops by Prada? We think since you and your "friend" Ember like trying new sports, you should check this out: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K5Q8iYp5K5Q We think you and Vermilion could really do well in Riyahd.


My mom loved you. She'd be very happy you liked the piece about her. I miss our moms and I miss you. Go surfing with me. We would have so much fun. Kiss family for me.

forget the Prada flip-flops. Where can I get me a pair of them there Saudi sandals?

Karen T

Chigiy - You are way cool! Surfing....surfing terminology...I am in awe!
Hope you had a glass or wine or a martini or something afterwards!! By the way...Emily's arm is broken!

Annie in Austin

Watching movies like "Blue Crush" and reading stories like yours are as close to surfing as I'll ever get - thanks for sharing the experience, Chigiy - it was fun to read.

Annie at the Transplantable Rose


I'm sorry to here about Emily's arm.
You will have to come with us this summer. If you can do the Mermaid, you can surf.

I suggested the movie "Riding Giants" to Kalyn. You should see it too. It's facinating to me that people surf big waves. The biggest waves I'll ever surf are probably the ones I surfed last week.



Awwwwwesome! And, I'm still laughing over those deep flip-flops-in-the-bakery-flowers photos.


David J.

Hi Chigiy,

Didn't know you liked surfing. Did you know that Hampton, where I live, has the best surfing on the East Coast. Check out the webcam. I live about a mile from there, Haven't surfed yet. Looks like a lot of fun, http://www.cinnamonrainbows.com/cinnwallcam/wallcam.html

Wish we had your flowers. Cathy grows orchids indoors here. One is about to bloom.



If you are near the best surf spot, you need to go surfing. You will get hooked. It is so much fun. If you don't know how, I would recommend a lesson.
Here is a live cam at Steamer Lane which is a little North of Shark's Cove. http://www.ci.santa-cruz.ca.us/pr/wharf/surfcamtides.html
Have fun.


Sounds like a good day. I enjoyed reading your post, it's like reading a good book with good story.

kimmy ratcliff

Go, Gidget, Go!
So I guess now you agree with Jimmy: surfing is better than sex?
You girls have some huge cajones I tell you. Hope to shred with you this week!


Nice story Chigiy! I even know the cliff you looked over. My body felt the same way, exhausted, after my first lesson too. I knew then why surfers bods were so tight. Now, if only I'd kept it up....


Dear Ladyseashells,
Thank you for the compliment. And thank you for visiting

Dear Moondoggie,
Surfing is definitely right up there with sex. Let's shed Wednesday or Thursday.

You nut. We miss you. Where did you take your lesson?


What a great story. I am looking forward to hearing your next surfing adventure. I love the flip-flop flower pictures and who'd ever guess that the two of you were Mums?? You both look wonderful!!!

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I'm thinking this is a scam, but if you look carefully, you will see a facebook like button.

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