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April 04, 2007



On the one hand, I think the idea of replacing old plants, planting new ones, fertilizing and mulching sound good. On the other hand, the rocks also look attractive and make great toys for the kids. I have to think about this awhile. In the meantime, have to return the Prada flip flops to Saks because they are made too small for my giant feet and they cost way too much, especially since I have an added expense of new flowers or rocks.


Paree, go to bluefly. They have Prada flip-flops at 15% of their already marked down price. The flip flops are available in size 10.5. This way you can afford the shoes and the rocks.
If your feet are bigger than 10.5, check out REI. They're having a sale on Canoes.


I am in awe (or shock) that such "landscapes" actually exist someplace.

It's like they are on another planet. My favorite is the one with the turquoise trim.

I can't stop from staring at these pictures. Can't stop from staring...


The turquoise trim one is my favorite too. It's like they were really trying to make their rocks look good.

I was actually going to do a book on the worst landscapes I've ever seen. I'm not kidding. I took these pics about 7 months ago for that particular purpose.

Your right they do look like they are from another planet. The planet of Lazy Tacky.

Annie in Austin

Chigiy, it's a good thing there's an REI in Austin - but where to find High heel canoes?

The turquoise one is sprightly, at least... the one with murdered boxwood and pittosporum is too painful to look at. And the photos sure reinforce what movies, literature and older relatives have told us: "California is weird!"

Annie at the Transplantable Rose


I'm with Carol -- can't stop staring. What amazing and chilling photographs. And yet, I also resonate with the idea of the rocks being endless entertainment for the kids. To be honest, I'm just relieved not to see the front of my house included in the lineup....

By the way -- do you have a weed whacker I could borrow sometime? I know it's gonna take a lot more than a weed whacker, but I've got to start somewhere.



I need a weed whacker badly.
Maybe we could split one.

Silvia / Salix

*shudder* er.. what lovely gardens.. NOT!
I too remember juniper, and I also hate it! We lived in LA for a short time, and the back garden had a pool, with a giant juniper bush next to it. Walking barefoot on the falling foliage was VERY uncomfy! I've ever since disliked all conifers.


Annie, for high heel canoes I would try Any Mountain or perhaps go online to Sierra Trading Post.

As for California being weird, your right it is, that's what I love about it, with the exception of these "no-maintenance gardens"-icky.


I remember walking across the falling foliage too, kinda like walking across cactus needles.
Can you imagine walking barefoot across these beautiful rock lawns? How pleasant.


Oh my ... these pics remind me of my neighbour's garden - or lack thereof. The shrubs are hacked to within an inch of their lives, and the rest of the yard is covered in rocks. If one bit of green dares pop out, well Round-up is at the ready. thankfully there is a high fence... and all the butterflies come to my garden instead.


Planet Lazy Tacky. I LOVE IT.

Kren T

Chigiy - I grew up in AZ with a front yard made up of entirely white and green rocks! I'm branching out this year and have planted green beans and cucumbers....my red pepper plant has been completely eaten alive by some sort of critter....not too happy about that!


Oooo, White and green rocks. I wish I had a picture of that.
Your pepper plant is probably being eaten by earwigs or snails. If you plant it in a pot first until it is big enough to outgrow the critter this will give it a fighting chance.


That turquoise and white house is certainly riveting! Nothing looks lazier than a low maintenance yard that isn't maintained; note the bright green weeds in amongst the white rocks.


That turquoise and white house is certainly riveting! Nothing looks lazier than a low maintenance yard that isn't maintained; note the bright green weeds in amongst the white rocks.


I agree -- I live in the midwest, so gardening is a regular task for us, particularly since I love it. There is a man nearby who was having problems with moles, so what did he do? He dug up the entire section of grass and covered it with plastic and rocks? Does he think that the moles won't travel to another area of his yard? Hmmm. Why don't these people talk to me first (hahaha). That's something my hubby gets very tired of hearing. When I see something that looks like it's a BAD IDEA, I just wish I had had the opportunity to have a chat with them before than began -- not that I'm an expert in everyone's eyes, but pretty darn close! I'm having so much fun here!

Carolyn Shank

This is so bizarre. I was looking for a picture of an azalea and google sent me here. I got interested in your writing - very clever - and then read about you. I too grew up in Los Gatos and used to live in the Santa Cruz mtns. with 2 young daughters. Have since moved on. Keep up the fun blog - you have talent.


The strange thing for me Carolyn is I used to have a very good friend who's name was Carolyn Shenck. It sounded the same. Thank you for visiting.


Haha! Hilarious!! I also hate juniper! Especially the phallic shaped numbers. Paree's response was great. How is her yard doing BTW??


Hi Kim,
Paree and the rock yards gave me a lot to write about. The part of Paree's yard that I worked on looks great, haha


I am requesting permission to use some of your photos for a xeriscape presentation I am dong soon. I can make reference to the photographer if you provide that. I need photos of rocked yards with no or minimal plants.

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